
Research in Nursing II
Literature review skills: Health research reports: Ethics and research: Consent for research: Rights to participate in research and skills of writing a report

Community/Rural Health (Theory and Practice)
Minimum standards for district health services: School health program: Healthy island concepts: Proposal writing skills and Review process

Medical and Surgical Nursing II
Infection control: STD/HIV AIDS: Oncology: Endocrine system: Lifestyle disease such as Diabetes, Lung cancer, mouth cancer, etc.: Differential diagnosis: Management theories and Rehabilitation process.

Nursing Practice-Medical & Surgical II
Oncology nursing: Provision of holistic are: Rehabilitation process: Legal and ethical issues And PNG Nursing Competency Standards

Mental Health and Mental Illness
Specific Drugs: Organic and non-organic causes of mental problems/disorders: Psychosocial problems affecting behaviour and development: Abuse: Domestic and Social violence: Year 3 skills log book

Women's Health and Care of New Born II
Disorders of antenatal, prenatal and postnatal: Pharmacology pertaining to antenatal, labour and puerperium: Management of labour and child birth: Minor and Major disorders of pregnancy: Identify high risks antenatal mothers with medical and surgical conditions in pregnancy: Care of caesarean section mother and baby: Vacuum extraction and Episiotomies and suturing: Abnormalities of newborn and their management: Psychosocial needs during pregnancy mental health needs after giving birth: Gender imbalance in PNG and Social structure in PNG

Nursing Practice - Mental Health and Mental Illness
Specific Drugs: Organic and non-organic causes of mental problems/disorders: Psychosocial problems affecting behaviour and development: Abuse: Domestic and Social violence: Year 3 skills log book

Nursing Practice - Women's Health
Antenatal Care: Health promotion and education and hygiene needs: Nutrition in pregnancy: Normal labor management: Care of mother and baby at birth, at home, community and institution: Post natal care; Neonatal care: Family planning; Year two skills log book

Fundamental Skills for Nursing Practice III
Disease process and development (mental health ): Disease management (medical and nursing treatment): Group therapy: Communication: Skills: Sucking and new born and CPR new born

Women's Health and Care of Newborn
Minor and major disorders or complications of pregnancy: Birth Attendants: Physiology of conception, pregnancy: Birth Attendants: Physiology of conception, pregnancy, labour and child bearing process: Pharmacology for normal antenatal, prenatal and postnatal period: Neonatal care: Care to normal Antenatal, prenatal and postnatal mothers: History taking and physical examination, antenatal, labour and postnatal: Antenatal, prenatal and postnatal mothers: History taking and physical, prenatal and postnatal nutrition: Use of information and records: Breast feeding: Women and child health promotion: Antenatal care: Manage infection in mother and baby: Parenting skills: breast feeding: bathing prevention of infection; recognise illness in baby: Identify future high risk pregnancy and Family planning: Postpartum “blues” : postpartum depression and puerperal psychosis recognition and management and Abortion: causes and management

Fundermental Skills for Nursing Practice II
Subject: Fundamental Skills For Nursing Practice II

Health Sociology, Psychological and Culture
Subjects: Health Sociology, Psychology & Culture.

Pharmacology and Mathematics in Nursing I
Subject: Pharmacology and Mathematics in Nursing I

Communication and Introduction to information Technology
Subject: Communication and Introduction to Information Technology

Healthy Living
Subject: Healthy Living. Code No: NS 142. Credit Value: 10 Concept of health and person as a psycho-social., cultural and spiritual being: Introduction to wellness: health promotion: disease prevention: nutrition: exercise, keeping fit, breathing, elimination in relationship to health, Emotional Support: cooperation, respect and self-awareness: smoking, betel nut, and drugs and their effects on the body: and introduction to occupational health and safety.